Saturday, September 19, 2009

PMR is coming!

looks long time didnt upload my blog~~xD
yea!Holiday jor..
but the PMR is getting nearer and nearer
it makes me feel so guilty.. coz I haven finish up my homework...
tat make me feel like i m gonna die><
But I will try my best.. To rush as fast as i can!!!
TO COMPLETE all the delayed work
I was so lazy xD I am regret now....
So.. for all my friends.. PMR friends!!!
Hope all of you could try all ur best in the test!!!
Good luck to all of You!!^.^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PMR Trial Exam Result....SUck>< PMR Trial exam result is suckT.T lolx..
No matter how hardworking as i can,
(actually dint study at all>.<)
the result wont be so gud as well

I already so 'hardworking' jor
still cant get gud result orhx
I think i wont able to get top 3 in my class....
i only hope tat i can maintain at 4-10 xD
den tat is enuf for me lerhx kakax

i will be more hardworking as much as i can^^
i will do more revision and preparation for my PMR
my target is 8A's...hahax!

hope god bless me..giv me wisdom^^
so that i will be able to answer all the questions carefully and
correctly hehex


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exam's are over!

Yahoooo! Finally exams are over!^^
Over the past few weeks I've been so busy
and not been able to post up a blog becoz
I spent a lot of time to do revision for my exam..

Just put trial aside first..What I will do after trial?
Hmmm... First of all, I nid to sleep=) You didn`t see wrongly..
First thing I have to do is to sleep>< want to ply some computer games
Perhaps ply some games too^^hehex...
Frankily, I want to go shoppingTT
But h1n1 is getting more and more serious..><
I`m suspecting whether I got it or not from time to time><
That`s so frightening X.x

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I m Back xD

Check it out!!I m Back!xD muhaha...
all my dearest friends.. miss u all ><
paiseh =X
I didn't blogged for long time bcoz of Exam..
Haiz..Next week still gt exam arh==
Hate exam!Anti Exam!X.x

Hurray~!!went to Sherwood for dinner^^
the food so nice lurhx especially pizza..
after had my dinner then i went to mega wif jason they all
hehex..we wanted to watch 'FiNal DesTiNati0n'
but tat movie was 18 years old and above ..sei lurh== how ler?XD
hahax..luckily we bought the tickets easily bcoz of jason and my mature look ><
the movie was so bored haiz=.=

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blog Before slp

Eating bread that costed RM18=.="

Awww....The bread was so expensive>.<
Bought by my *clever* sister lolx...
Although it was expensive..
But it was nice^^ yummy~!!
Thx arhx!*clever* mei mei~~ xD
Wah!4am jor xD
going to sleep soon kakax

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blog after wake up=_=

In the quiet stillness of early morning
When everyone has all gone to bed
a quiet ringing goes through my ears
and through my head..

I listen with my heart
and strain to feel your spirit
in my dim surroundings
I close my eyes and hear it.....

Lolx..That is my alarm clock!! T_T
I forget to set it off...><
going to sleep again again!xD
Gud Nitez!Sweetdreams!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

H1N1 已传到马来西亚了



<儿童> <成人>
呼吸困难 无痰咳嗽
颈部僵硬 不省人事
口唇变蓝 口唇变蓝
抽筋 吸气时胸部疼痛
表现呆滞 发烧超过5天
疲倦+懒惰动 表现呆滞
昏睡+叫不醒 呼吸困难
超过12小时没小便 突如其来的发烧&呼吸急促

人多地方一定要少去(所以我一放学就乖乖回家..哈哈 ~ 每次就是去学校>>>回家..回家>>>去学校) haha~~
因为有不同人使用过,可能会有很多细菌哦.. ^^

多吃vitamins C 的东西,增强免疫力.. ^^

***warning : 多洗手 !!

好吧,让我们一起努力做好防范措施吧... ^^

Monday, July 27, 2009

As a blogger should not stop blogging... ><

I'm not in a study mood..
I know that trial exam is just around the corner~!!
I am totally BLANK!!
I knew that i have not enough time for my trial, but i still blogging.
Oh crap! Crap crap crap!! haha! I... I... I... LOL
My English and BM are suck!!T.T
Bad result, Bad grammar, Silly mistake, Lack understanding, Lazy, Not interested...
How come? How can i improve?wuwuwu...

p/s: i will continue blogging if i have time...><

Sunday, July 26, 2009

everyday when I step my first foot into the school.
what I see is the days getting lesser and lesser.
PMR ! You're killing me.
you made me lose my playful life.
you made me lose my time of being in front of the computer.
you made me lose the things I would wish to do.
you made me lose my meaningful life.
you made me stressed.
you made me lose my outings.
you made me lose my sweet sleep nights.
you made me lose my mood.

~...WelCOme To My LAtest POSt...~

~Thx FOr SuPP0rt~

did u all know what is nonsense? =)
let take a look on my post... xD

为什么秦始王要烧书呢..?怕有人聪明过他咯..这你们都知道对吧?XDhaha 但..为什么秦始王突然会酱想呢..? 
那就要从牛顿说起咯.. ^^记得牛顿吗?
不妙..>.< 原来秦始王坐在榴莲树下被榴莲碰过头无数次!而且被榴莲轻轻碰了下就头破血流..T.T..头都快变形了.. 都没发现地心引力,真悲哀..  因此,秦始王大发雷霆!就下令把全部的书都烧了!!
但..烧书烧不尽.. 现在很多学生怪秦始王烧书烧不尽 ..>.< .. 如果真把书烧完了.. 那咋们不都要去耕田啦?@.@ lol.. 啊! 对了,那棵榴莲树啊...xD.. 其实是武松打虎时种的哦.. 他心想..haha ..种了这棵树,下次反过来被老虎追时就有棵树给他爬上去了~ 话说回来..秦始王烧书烧不尽是因为 秦始王烧书烧到一半, 他儿子李白就跑回来跟他说.. 爸..对不起..我不小心把你最爱的那棵榴莲树砍下来了..T.T.. 他爸爸秦始王..因为很高兴孩子如此的诚实,就奖赏他一颗太上老君提炼的仙丹. ^^... 李白吃了仙丹,就带着一只兔子一起奔月了~ 从此李白与茱丽叶在月球上过着幸福快乐的日子 ~XD 啊!对了.. 第一次美国发射火箭上月球,里面那个太空人就是茱丽叶. the end ~ xD 

LoVE Is ComPlicaTeD

Love is complicateD................ but lovinG a peRson is so fun....

wheN i'm down u're there ; pushing me to the TOP`~~``you're alwayS there ; giving me all you've got~~``~``~

i pray the lorD will keeP you in my dreamSssssssss.....

when i close my eyE`~~~

Love is jus LikE chocolatE? yea, is as sweet as warM as [C]hocolatE....

Love, neeD carE & understandinG.. it's harD to meet the ppl we lovE....

But...I have met the ppl that I LOve.....



Gemini (May 22 to June 22) is a double sign and a certain duality is apparent in the pure Geminean. There is an ambivalence, a shifting outlook, which makes Gemineans delightful in their unexpectedness, but irritating in their inconsistency. Gemineans are often exasperating - but they can be relied upon not to be boring.

All About Me~~!^^ Read it

幼稚调皮 脾气暴躁 外向开朗
风趣幽默 积极进取 郁郁寡欢
热心助人 快言快语 爱管闲事


Chan Cia Huei~
i am recently 15 years old this year~
studying in SMKAA~
love my lao po so much><