Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exam's are over!

Yahoooo! Finally exams are over!^^
Over the past few weeks I've been so busy
and not been able to post up a blog becoz
I spent a lot of time to do revision for my exam..

Just put trial aside first..What I will do after trial?
Hmmm... First of all, I nid to sleep=) You didn`t see wrongly..
First thing I have to do is to sleep><
Hahax..next?i want to ply some computer games
Perhaps ply some games too^^hehex...
Frankily, I want to go shoppingTT
But h1n1 is getting more and more serious..><
I`m suspecting whether I got it or not from time to time><
That`s so frightening X.x

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