Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PMR Trial Exam Result....SUck>< PMR Trial exam result is suckT.T lolx..
No matter how hardworking as i can,
(actually dint study at all>.<)
the result wont be so gud as well

I already so 'hardworking' jor
still cant get gud result orhx
I think i wont able to get top 3 in my class....
i only hope tat i can maintain at 4-10 xD
den tat is enuf for me lerhx kakax

i will be more hardworking as much as i can^^
i will do more revision and preparation for my PMR
my target is 8A's...hahax!

hope god bless me..giv me wisdom^^
so that i will be able to answer all the questions carefully and
correctly hehex


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