Saturday, September 5, 2009

I m Back xD

Check it out!!I m Back!xD muhaha...
all my dearest friends.. miss u all ><
paiseh =X
I didn't blogged for long time bcoz of Exam..
Haiz..Next week still gt exam arh==
Hate exam!Anti Exam!X.x

Hurray~!!went to Sherwood for dinner^^
the food so nice lurhx especially pizza..
after had my dinner then i went to mega wif jason they all
hehex..we wanted to watch 'FiNal DesTiNati0n'
but tat movie was 18 years old and above ..sei lurh== how ler?XD
hahax..luckily we bought the tickets easily bcoz of jason and my mature look ><
the movie was so bored haiz=.=

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