Saturday, September 19, 2009

PMR is coming!

looks long time didnt upload my blog~~xD
yea!Holiday jor..
but the PMR is getting nearer and nearer
it makes me feel so guilty.. coz I haven finish up my homework...
tat make me feel like i m gonna die><
But I will try my best.. To rush as fast as i can!!!
TO COMPLETE all the delayed work
I was so lazy xD I am regret now....
So.. for all my friends.. PMR friends!!!
Hope all of you could try all ur best in the test!!!
Good luck to all of You!!^.^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PMR Trial Exam Result....SUck>< PMR Trial exam result is suckT.T lolx..
No matter how hardworking as i can,
(actually dint study at all>.<)
the result wont be so gud as well

I already so 'hardworking' jor
still cant get gud result orhx
I think i wont able to get top 3 in my class....
i only hope tat i can maintain at 4-10 xD
den tat is enuf for me lerhx kakax

i will be more hardworking as much as i can^^
i will do more revision and preparation for my PMR
my target is 8A's...hahax!

hope god bless me..giv me wisdom^^
so that i will be able to answer all the questions carefully and
correctly hehex


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exam's are over!

Yahoooo! Finally exams are over!^^
Over the past few weeks I've been so busy
and not been able to post up a blog becoz
I spent a lot of time to do revision for my exam..

Just put trial aside first..What I will do after trial?
Hmmm... First of all, I nid to sleep=) You didn`t see wrongly..
First thing I have to do is to sleep>< want to ply some computer games
Perhaps ply some games too^^hehex...
Frankily, I want to go shoppingTT
But h1n1 is getting more and more serious..><
I`m suspecting whether I got it or not from time to time><
That`s so frightening X.x

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I m Back xD

Check it out!!I m Back!xD muhaha...
all my dearest friends.. miss u all ><
paiseh =X
I didn't blogged for long time bcoz of Exam..
Haiz..Next week still gt exam arh==
Hate exam!Anti Exam!X.x

Hurray~!!went to Sherwood for dinner^^
the food so nice lurhx especially pizza..
after had my dinner then i went to mega wif jason they all
hehex..we wanted to watch 'FiNal DesTiNati0n'
but tat movie was 18 years old and above ..sei lurh== how ler?XD
hahax..luckily we bought the tickets easily bcoz of jason and my mature look ><
the movie was so bored haiz=.=